Data Protection Privacy

We welcome your interest in Fresenius Kabi (Singapore) Pte Ltd (“Fresenius Kabi”). Protecting your privacy is important to us. We would like to inform you of the types of information collected at and explain how that information is used. We advise that our websites may include links to sites not covered by our data protection policy. Also, our local subsidiaries’ websites may include different privacy policies, and your use of such websites shall be subject to the provisions provided therein.

1. Processing of internet protocol data

As with most websites, the following data is routinely collected during visits to our websites: the name of your service provider (IP address), the website that directed you to our site, the pages visited, your browser type and the date and length of your visit. This information cannot be used to personally identify visitors. When collecting and processing your IP address, the same will be fully anonymized right after collection by deleting the last 3 figures. That way we are no longer able to identify you as a person. We will delete the IP address within no more than one month (for more information, see “Cookies and web analytics”).

2. Collecting and processing of personal data

Personal data includes any information related to you as a natural person. We will collect and process such data with your consent (for instance during an online job application or when taking part in an online survey) or, as applicable, based on a legal justification. We will inform you about the legal basis of each collection, including the processing purposes, or ask for your informed consent to the processing. Accordingly, we will process personal data in accordance with the provisions of the German Federal Data Protection Act (“Bundesdatenschutzgesetz”, “BDSG”), of the German Telemedia Act (“Telemediengesetz”, “TMG”), and other local statutory laws on privacy. The data processing will take place in Germany. No onward transfer to third countries is envisioned with the exception of your queries related to a product group, product or service. We will forward your request, including your personal information as provided by you, to your local country contact, based on your consent to the extent required by law.

Where you contact us via the web page we may store information such as your name, company, industry, postal address, e-mail address, type of request and possible further information for the purpose of responding to your request. We will not use the information as a basis for contacting you further, unless you have given us your explicit consent. You are free to revoke such consent or have your personal information deleted at any time; in such case, please contact Please be aware that normal e-mail traffic is not a secure means of communication. We will not disclose your personal data to any governmental authority, unless in cases where it is required by mandatory law. Our employees, agencies, and retailers are obliged by us to respect the confidentiality of your personal data and data secrecy (Section 5 BDSG).

3. Cookies and web analytics

Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small pieces of text that are stored on your computer by your browser. They make our services more user-friendly, effective and secure. Cookies do not harm your computer and do not contain viruses or malware. For our own purposes, we use “session cookies” which will help to identify you while using our website. “Session cookies” will be deleted automatically after your visit.

Additionally, we offer to set a “save-your-choice cookie”. The cookie saves whether you are a private user or a healthcare professional. This makes our website faster for your personal future use of the site. The “save-your-choice cookie” will be stored for one year after your last visit on our website.

Moreover, we use “tracking cookies” to improve how our website works. These cookies collect information analytics in aggregate form only; for instance about how often visitors use a page of our website, which pages visitors go to most often, and if they get error messages from our pages. These cookies collect information on an aggregate basis and cannot be used to identify a single user of our website. Whenever we use tracking cookies, your data will be immediately anonymized right after collection.

This website uses Piwik, a web analytics open-source software. Piwik uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address anonymized prior to its storage) will be stored on the server of the service provider in Germany.

We also use a “cookie notifier cookie”, which indicates that you agree with the usage of cookies on our website. It is set automatically upon closure of the ‘use of cookies’ information mask and will be stored for the duration of one year therefrom. During this time the ‘use of cookies’ information mask will not be shown again.

You have the right to opt-out of the cookies used on this website, however please note that if you opt-out you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. To opt out, you will need to manage your preferences in your browser or on your mobile device. You can delete all of these cookies at your own discretion at any time in your browser settings. If you delete your cookies, you might need to login again when using our website. Please note that in case you disable the cookies in your browser, the settings might be of limited effect if you use a different browser upon your next use of this website.

If you decide to set a “do-not-track” preference in your browser or on your mobile device, Piwik will not track your visit.

4. Additional information, complaints and inquiries

You can request information as to the processing of your personal data at any time, including but not limited to the origin and recipients of your data and the purposes of the processing, as well as request the correction and deletion of your personal data to the extent it is not required for the purposes set out above or make a complaint (to the extent required by law). In the latter case we will promptly acknowledge and investigate any complaint about the way we manage personal data.

Our Communications department or Data Protection Officer would be happy to answer any questions regarding our Internet privacy policy.

Fresenius Kabi (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Data Protection Officer
238A Thomson Road, #24-03/05
Novena Square Tower A,
Singapore 307684